Hey everyone! I know you’ve been missing me out at Pla-Mor lately, and so I figured taking some sweet photos again would bring up your spirits!

I am going to start coming out twice a month instead of weekly like I used to do. I have been quite busy with a lot of things, and like having some time off to relax and be creative.

As always, share and enjoy the photos! You can definitely download the photos, but I recommend not using the built-in browser that Facebook and Instagram have. They just don’t like my website 100% for some reason, and I can’t figure it out. If you still have issues, feel free to contact me about it!

One last thing: do check out my merch shop while you’re at it over at http://shop.starkindustriesne.com or leave me a review on my Facebook page if you love my photos! I sell wall prints of awesome Nebraska landscapes, and the proceeds from that help me to continue doing this. Really it’s for buying new equipment to take even better photos and fix my equipment if it breaks down. Reviews on my Facebook page also help support me, or referrals too, by getting my name out there and letting people know about my work.

Thanks for coming to my TED Talk!


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