Happy New Year everyone! I thought we could finally ring in the new year with some amazing country dancing shots as usual from the Pla-Mor Ballroom! I wanted to come out last week, but I needed gas and it was cold enough that I didn’t feel like spending the 10 minutes outside to get it.

As for upcoming appearances, I will be out this upcoming Sunday too (January 16) since I don’t work the next day so Pla-Mor will be a cinch for my schedule.

If you love what I do and want to support me, feel free to hit up my shop for some excellent Nebraska prints or look into a photo session or two! I do this because I love doing this for no charge, and all purchases help me keep my equipment running and the photo hosting rock solid for y’all.


With sharing, feel free to share and enjoy (for personal use only, except at my discretion)! Downloads on mobile devices work best using Safari on iOS, and Chrome on Android. Downloads on PC and Mac are just fine, no matter which browser you choose. I do have a guide if you’re on mobile if you’re new to the process: Downloading Your Pla-Mor Photos. Check it out if you have issues!


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