Do you really think that being in the ER early yesterday morning was going to stop me from returning from my monthlong hiatus from the Pla-Mor Ballroom? Well it didn’t! Not only that, but I managed to power through all the photos over my lunch hour so I could get them to you early today!

As for the next time you will see me, I will be out at Pla-Mor on November 27th (the Sunday after Thanksgiving). Due to needing surgery for my gallbladder, I may not be at Pla-Mor for a decent amount of December. I’ll keep you posted here and on all my socials.

Shameless Plug

So I do this pretty much for free, so it would be awesome if you looked into booking me as a photographer or recommend me to friends and family! I can do everything from senior photosfamily photosweddings, or even just a quick photo session with your homies.

With winter taking hold, I will begin taking new clients in March 2023 once the weather and my health improves. Until then, I fully plan to hide out from winter in my apartment watching Netflix.

All your support allows me to ensure that I always have working gear and to even do the occasional upgrade. I would thank all of my clients, past and present, whose constant support has allowed me to keep doing this!


With sharing, feel free to share and enjoy (for personal use only, except at my discretion)! Downloads on mobile devices work best using Safari on iOS, and Chrome on Android. Downloads on PC and Mac are just fine, no matter which browser you choose. I do have a guide if you’re on mobile if you’re new to the process: Downloading Your Pla-Mor Photos. Check it out if you have issues!